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Version: 4.0

Add Layout

http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/p/compose/v2/pages/{pageId}/layouts

pageId: Required.

Request body
"list": [
"dataSource": "system.template1.instance1.system.prop1",
"type": "", //request type. "network"-get factory model tree/""-get attribute history data/"instance.service"-execute entity instance service/"template.service"-execute form template service/""-get template instance data
"filters": { //required when "type" is set to ""
"aggrType": "first", //aggregation type. "first/mean/max/min/sum"
"group": "time(48s,27s) fill(previous)", //aggregation time
"limit": 601, //data volume to be queried
"minDate": "2021-12-22T16:00:00Z",
"maxDate": "2021-12-23T16:00:00Z"

dataSource: Request data source. Different depends on the type.

  • type is network, value is {networkEnName}.
  • type is, value is {templateNamespace.templateEnName.instanceEnName.attriubteNamespace.attributeEnName}.
  • type is instance.service, value is {templateNamespace.templateEnName.instanceEnName.serviceNamespace.serviceEnName}.
  • type is template.service, value is {templateNamespace.templateEnName.serviceNamespace.serviceEnName}.
  • type is, value is {templateNamespace.templateEnName}.
  • 200: Successful.
"list": [
  • 400
    • 400: Request failed.
    • 401: Permission authentication failed.
    • 404: Corresponding data not found.
    • 409: Request conflicted. The Specified name exists, cannot add.
  • 500: System error.